Four Years

At 4 years old, your child likes making friends. It is a good time to talk to him about his feelings. You can help him learn about taking turns and sharing.

Playing Together

Now is a good time to be creative. Your child will enjoy making things and playing silly games with you.

  • Let your child cut paper, glue, mold playdough, paint, and do other art projects.
  • When you read to your child every day, ask questions about the story. Let your child tell you a story.
  • Run, jump, or skip together. Create a mini-obstacle course.
  • Let your child help you make and serve meals.
  • Take your child to the library, zoo, and museums. Many places have free special events for young children.
  • Limit TV time to no more than 1-2 hours a day, if you watch it at all. Do not let your child have a TV in her room.

Keeping Your Child Healthy

Don’t forget those well-child checkups.

  • Your child will need a four-year checkup with the doctor. The doctor will weigh and measure your child and look in your child’s eyes and ears. Your child may need shots.
  • Your child will need regular dental checkups every six months.
  • Help your child brush her teeth two times a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
  • When you brush your child’s teeth, look for white or brown spots.
  • If you don’t have health insurance, contact the Children’s Health Insurance Program at 1-877-543-7669 (1-877-KIDS-NOW) to find out about low-cost programs.

Keeping Safe

Your child is probably better at following rules and directions, but you still need to pay attention and watch her to keep her safe.

  • Your child might be ready to move to a booster car seat. Check to see if she is the right height and weight.
  • Put bug spray, paint, and other toxic items out of reach.
  • Hold your child’s hand when crossing the street or walking through parking lots.
  • Practice bicycle safety. Always have your child use a helmet.

Watch Your Child Grow

Watch for your child to:

  • Hop on one foot.
  • Sing a song from memory.
  • Identify himself and others as boys and girls.
  • Express feelings like excitement, fear, and sadness.
  • Explain how everyday things are used (“What do you do with a fork?”).
  • Trace shapes on paper.

Your child may be eligible for free Pre-Kindergarten! Pre-K is a great way to help your child prepare for school by improving her reading, writing, and social skills. Find our more by visiting or contact your local school for more information.


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