Two Years

Welcome to the terrific twos! Your child will be learning more independence and getting new skills every day. Keep up the great work you are doing as a parent.

Playing Together

Your child’s imagination is growing every day!

  • Play dress up, telephone, and other pretend games with your child.
  • Help your child do puzzles, paint, and build with blocks.
  • Take your child on walks. Look and listen to the world around you.
  • Allow your child to make some choices (“Do you want an apple or a banana?”)
  • Let your child play with a pan of water or sand. Help her pour, scoop, and dig.

Keeping Your Child Healthy

Don’t miss those well-child checks.

  • Your child will need a two-year checkup with the doctor. The doctor will weigh and measure your child and look in your child’s eyes and mouth. Your child may need shots.
  • Your child will also need a dental checkup.
  • Brush your child’s teeth two times a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • When you brush your child’s teeth, look for white or brown spots.
  • If you don’t have health insurance, contact the Children’s Health Insurance Program at 1-877-543-7669 (1-877-KIDS-NOW) to find out about low-cost programs.

Potty Training

Now is a good time to start introducing your child to the bathroom. You can read books about using the potty, let your child follow a bathroom routine with a parent or brother/sister, or go to the store to pick out underpants. It might be a year or more before your child is ready to start using the toilet. Your child may be ready if he can:

  • Stay dry for a few hours after using the bathroom.
  • Tell you if she is wet or needs to use the toilet.
  • Pulls his pants up and down.
  • Understands when you say, “Go to the bathroom,” “Wipe,” or “Pull up your pants.”

Keeping Safe

As your child explores his world, you can help him stay safe.

  • Keep your child away from moving machinery, lawn mowers, garage doors, driveways, and streets.
  • Put bags and purses out of reach in case there are medicines or other items in there your child should not touch.
  • If there is a gun in your home, it should be stored unloaded and locked. The bullets should be separated from the gun.
  • Be sure to childproof doors, especially ones that could lock.
  • If your child has a bike or tricycle, be sure he wears a helmet when riding.
  • Teach your child to wipe her nose with a tissue and to wash her hands with soap.

Watch Baby Grow

Watch for your child to:

  • Use two-word phrases like “want food” or “go home.”
  • Throw a ball overhand.
  • Make a tower of 5-6 blocks.
  • Point to a picture in a book when you ask him to.
  • Use at least 50 different words.
  • Kick a ball forward.


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Amarillo, TX 79101
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