When You Get Home

Welcome home! Having a new baby can be a big change, but you can do it! Try to rest when you can, and don’t be shy about asking for help when you need it. Here are some other tips.

Keeping Baby Healthy

New babies need to visit the doctor several times when they are first born.

  • Your baby should see the doctor or nurse at 3-5 days old.
  • Your baby will have another checkup at 2 weeks old.
  • If you don’t have health insurance, contact the Children’s Health Insurance Program at 1-877-543-7669 (1-877-KIDS-NOW) to find out about low-cost programs.

Feeding Baby

You can tell your baby is getting enough to eat if she is:

  • Gaining weight
  • Has 4-6 wet diapers a day by the time she is 1 week old
  • Has 3 or more bowel movements a day by the time she is 1 week old

Sleepy Time

Your new baby will be doing a lot of sleeping. There are things you can do to keep baby safe.

  • Put your baby on his back to sleep.
  • Baby should sleep on a firm sleep surface like a crib or bassinet in the same room as you for the first six months.
  • Keep stuffed toys and fluffy things like blankets and crib bumpers out of baby’s sleeping area.
  • Keep curtains and blind cords away from baby’s crib.
  • Make sure all caregivers know how to put your baby to sleep.

Time Together

Your baby needs attention and contact to help him feel safe, secure and loved.

  • Hold, cuddle, and rock your baby. Let her look at your face.
  • Change your baby’s position every once in a while.
  • Talk, sing, and read to your baby.
  • Listen to gentle music.
  • Turn off the TV. Children under 2 should not watch TV or movies.

Keeping Safe

These simple steps can help keep your home safe.

  • Check the batteries in your smoke detectors.
  • Practice a fire escape plan.
  • Test bath water with your wrist to make sure it is not too hot.
  • Keep your baby away from cigarette and cigar smoke.
  • Keep small toys and other small things away from your baby. Babies put things in their mouths, and your baby could choke.
  • If your doctor prescribes medicine for your baby, read the label every time. Call your doctor if you have questions.

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